Saturday, March 26, 2011

Lord Gregory

I must have dozed off or passed out because the next things I remember happening is being pulled up into a sitting position. I opened my eyes and James was gently pulling me up by my shoulders. Then he slid in behind me so I could lean on him. On the small table in front of us was a sumptious-looking breakfast. Some scones, some eggs, some sauteed green and red vegetables. There was a pitcher of orange juice and a pitcher of water. My stomach growled loudly and I almost laughed. It felt so good to feel just even a momentary piece of joy.
James reached over and grabbed a plate, bringing it to the couch. Then he started feeding me. I ate like a baby bird, hungrily gulping down every bite he fed me. After about ten bites, I started feeling a little better and then right then, there was a knock at the door. One of the guards came in-maybe John? Or was it Jimmy? I wasn't sure, so I just concentrated on eating-announced "Lord Gregory is here, sir."
"Let him in," James handed me the plate of food and the fork, and picked up his own plate from the table. I continued to lean on him, but was now feeding myself, feeling stronger. A tall, rather older-looking man came into the room with a smile on his face, until he saw me, when it turned into concerned look. He came over and bowed to James and then to me.
"Please, have a seat, Lord Gregory," James said as he motioned to the couch opposite of us.
Lord Gregory sat down, still with the concerned look on his face. I was starting to feel uncomfortable. I searched his face, pretending to study my tomato on my fork and saw that he had a lot of worry lines. But he also had smile lines. Perhaps he wouldn't be too hard on us.
James cleared his throat. " a problem. That we need to discuss with you. It's very sticky and I'm not sure how to publicize it, or whether to publicize it." He stopped and glanced at me, leading Lord Gregory to do the same. I stopped eating and smiled at him. He smiled back, obviously trying to put on a good front for me.
"As you know, she was kidnapped last night. And was unconscious. We awoke her every two hours to prevent her from falling into a coma, but when she awoke she...she had amnesia. She still does have amnesia. She doesn't remember anything. Even her name." He stopped and we both turned toward Lord Gregory. I had been watching him the entire time that James had been speaking and his worry lines had become more and more pronounced. After James had finished speaking, Lord Gregory sat in silence for a few moments. At last he began to speak.
"Well, you're right, this is a sticky situation. I assume you've had her evaluated by Doctor Applegate, sir?"
James nodded.
"Did he advise any specific course of action?"
"Yes. To try and jumpstart her memory again, and meanwhile talk to you."
"Hm." Lord Gregory placed the tips of his fingers together and placed them at his mouth. He sat there thinking for another few moments.
"Why don't we keep this quiet for two or three-no, two-days and see if her memory returns. If it does, no one shall speak of this. If not," he sighed, "we shall decide how to proceed. I shall reflect on this problem in the meantime and by the time two days is up, shall have a proposed course of action."
"Thank you, my Lord," James shook Lord Gregory's hand as he stood to go. Lord Gregory bowed to us, opened the door, and left.
I felt relieved when he left, having had to pretend all was right while he was here. James also felt this way, as I could tell by his sigh when the door closed.
"It's a right old mess, Rebecca, and no mistake." he glanced at me, almost laughing then sobered. He sighed again. "I'm sorry, Rebecca, it was an old joke between us. You loved that line in my accent." I noticed for the first time that he spoke in an English accent, as had Lord Gregory, while I didn't. As I was noting this, he shrugged then pointed at my plate with his fork. "Eat." I obediently put a piece of egg on my fork but couldn't shake off the feeling that I had caused a calamity. I frowned, looking at the egg, trying to balance my options. Frustrated, I realized my brain wouldn't work until I had finished eating. I lifted the egg to my mouth and at the same time lifted my eyes to find his gaze fixed on me. He solemnly said, "Rebecca, this is not your fault." I nodded, pretending all was right, but he shook his head. "No, I mean it, Rebecca. You have to step back from that feeling or you won't succeed. Let God in and let Him heal you." I frowned, this is another thing that I didn't remember. And yet, something tugged at me from deep inside. I could feel something and I knew that God-whoever He was-was something important and that I needed to figure it out. And who knew-maybe He could help me. What was I to lose, anyway?

--The content of this post is copyrighted to Rebecca Ahlers 2011. Reproduction of any of this material is strictly prohibited without the author's written permission.

1 comment:

  1. Great book! it sounds like she forgot about God, right?
